Wollongong’s Oldest Pizzeria
Napoli Pizza was Wollongong’s first pizzeria, established back in 1971 and originally located on Church St in the old Slater building. Back then the restaurant only had 7 tables and there was no competition. In 1978 the owners decided that they needed a bigger residence and so moved to 67 Burelli St in between Woolworths and the old Wollongong Markets. When the lease wasn’t renewed in 1990 they moved across the road to their current location at 66 Burelli St, again a larger premises that now seats 60 people.
Corey who is the current owner of Napoli Pizza began working there in 1975.
He was taught the art of pizza making by traditional Italians. Corey’s parents arrived here from Italy in the 1950’s with no english skills so when Corey started school with no English he quickly learned as did many children of migrants back then. He was employed originally because he spoke English and Italian, the original owners of Napoli Pizza only spoke Italian and a little English.
When the time came Corey decided to buy the business and has been the proud owner of Napoli Pizza ever since. Napoli Pizza only closes christmas day and news years eve, so whatever day of the week you go you will see Corey making traditional pizza’s.
Corey has seen the changing tastes of people over this time , gone are the days of half ham and pineapple and half supreme with no olives. These days peoples tastes reflect the growing multi cultural country we live in. Below you can see the original menu. Times have changed but one thing at Napoli Pizza that hasn’t changed and thats the phone number and of course the quality you get when you order a traditional real style Italian Pizza at Napoli Pizza.